Friday, March 11, 2011

Greater Michigan Madness aka the Corporate Takeover

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Please Remain Seated

Put on your seat belts everyone, we are in for one hell of a ride!

Click below:

Corporate Politicians at Helm in Michigan Sell Out Local Democracy

Monday, March 7, 2011

What's the State Senate up to?

Well, you'd think they'd be working out the details of the Governor's "Shared Sacrifice" plan, but instead they are wasting time and money on a redundant bill, SB 160. This bill seeks to make illegal within the state of Michigan a medical procedure that is already illegal under Federal law. That's right, it's ALREADY illegal.

We, the taxpayers, are paying our state senators to do work that is already done and they get to pander to special interest groups thereby retaining those votes without actually doing anything at all.

Gee, they must really think we are stupid.

Get informed Michigan and prove that this is not so!

Click the link below to learn more about redundant SB 160.

Women’s Advocacy Groups Oppose Redundant Abortion Ban, Encourage Senators To Work On Proven Prevention Methods | ACLU of Michigan | Because Freedom Can’t Protect Itself